Just Another Day

Friday, September 22, 2006

Friday Blues

Another friday without any plans. Sigh... i guess i'll finish up the last 3 episodes of initial-D.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Strawberry Jam & Oreo Cream

This is the basement where SoleDrive converges every week. Don't you love the wild color scheme? Would've never thought of it myself, but man I really dig it. By the way, check out our newly revamped official website www.soledrive.com. Still under construction, but some music samples there you may enjoy.

Monday, September 11, 2006

After some busy-ness and procrastination, I shall attempt to recount notable events circa Labour Day up to this weekend.

My family and I decided to hit the CNE on Labour Day. Due to a commitment I had, we didn't leave 'sauga til 3pm. Getting into the big TO was a nitemare, finding parking was an even bigger one... almost 3 hrs total! We didn't TTC because?? While on the Gardiner, we caught part of the airshow, which was pretty cool. The low fly-bys by the only CF-18 was deafening but worth it. Anyway, we eventually did what others did and parked on the grass right by a green P area; we purchased a parking slip anyway and hoped for the best. The Ex was crowded, and I hate big crowds. All we did there was eat. Didn't play any games or anything. Did catch the last 10 minutes of Imaginaire - the aerobatics and skate dancing show - the aerobatics girl was struggling a bit. Then we headed over to Ontario Place for the Lantern Festival. But we decided we'd just get as close as possible without paying the $15 x 5 = whopping $75 entrance fee, just to be dazzled by some lights. It was fun anyway, Ontario Place was a great spot to see the fireworks show at the Ex.

Tuesday after Labour Day I started to feel malade... was it because of CNE or was it my siblings and my dad who were on the upswing from their sicknesses? In any case, Wed it fully manifested itself in the form of body aches, cold sweats and sore throat. Took 1/2 off Wed, whole day Thurs, went back to work Friday... I thought I was better, realized I wasn't, but decided to stick with it. Grand time to be sick, amidst all the wedding preparations and the wedding itself.

On Friday, one of my co-workers back in the factory cut his finger on the grinder. I drove him to emergency at Peel Memorial. Spent 2 hours there. They decided not to stitch up the cut because it was too close to the joint and stitching it up there would actually increase the chances of infection. Ouch.

Saturday was the big day. The guys gathered at Eddy's place at 7:30 in the morning, and with a convoy of 5 cars, we headed to the bride's house. Julian and I were like paparazzi, going behind, beside, and in front of the bridal car to get a few candid shots. At the bride's house, we played the red pocket money bargaining game. Oli and Ed whittled the entrance fee down from something insane like $888,888 to $108. We almost fooled the girls with monopoly money too.

The ceremony went smoothly. Eddy was all natural and all smiles. I regret not taking any pics... at the time I thought with so many cameras, I can just get pics from someone else.
The banquet was standard chinese banquet fare. A group of us from Emmanuel presented the couple with "As Precious As Silver" with original lyrics by Jen, and the chorus of KC and JoJo's "All My Life" in harmony. Jen lost her voice and Pat's guitar suddenly went majorly out of tune for the 2nd song... but it's all good. Oli, the best man, revealed in his speech how much he relished his close moments with Eddy. Awwww.
Best game: Draping an apron over the front of Shirley with the chinese character for double happiness on it, then making Eddy put on lipstick and trace out the character.
Memorable highlight: Julian, Pat and Cliff showing how the chicken dance should be done.

Congrats Eddy & Shirley!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

We're Famous!

SoleDrive, in the Sept. 8 edition of the Mississauga News! Totally made my day! I'm so humbled and excited at the same time! Thanks Nikki! Now there's gonna be higher expectations because we were featured in a paper!

Friday, September 01, 2006

How Low Will It Go?

Yesterday gas hit a new low... 69.9! Sucks! Just filled up the other day at 81.5, thinking that was a deal... pffffshhhht