How Was Your Day?
Most of the time when people ask me how my day was, I really don't have much to say. I mean, 75% of my waking hours is spent at work, and it's me, the computer in front of me, and the work on the screen. There's two other co-workers in the room with me, and sure we chat, but we never work in teams (or on the same project at the same time), I seldom have to deal with customers or suppliers, and my boss is rarely on my case. So there's really no such thing as workplace dynamics and office politics in my little bubble. So what's new and exciting at work? Not much at all!
I'm jealous...sometimes talking with people can be exhausting.
elaine s, at 12:17 PM
you know what dave? you have it pretty good* :)
i agree with elaine. sometimes i wish i could remove my guest chair so people wouldn't come by and chat for hours.
Boris' Dad, at 12:46 AM
What? Am I reading correctly? An office with minimal workplace politics? Wow, cherish it!
Smile, at 11:02 PM
haha, i should say within the room i work there is little drama. can't say the same for the whole company, but then again, it doesn't concern me.
Dave, at 12:50 AM
Well, aren't you the lucky one!! No office politics...I do accounting and I'm constantly at it w/ the accountants from the other companies not even including my office coworkers...which btw, is a bit better right now. Pls continue to pray!
Bonbon, at 12:23 AM
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